Monday, July 20, 2009

The New Pet/ new Expert

Hello!! Today i got my Moppet! Finally i can afk with auto-buff :P After.. i go to Bahamar Marsh and after few hours Ricardo reached lvl 110 (Vet 100%)
and Balbaseda family got 2nd Expert member!

..:My Actually Family:...
Carlota Ricardo Vivian Costanza Soledad Veronca
[Ele] [Musk] [Scout] [Wiz] [Fig] [Ele] Augustin Gema Paola Violeta Catalina Elena
[Musk] [Grace] [Caly] [Musk] [ETS] [Emilia]
Catherine Lupita Esmeralda Pandora
[Cath/INT] [Adelina] [Lisa] [Romina]

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New costumes!

Today i bought NEW School Uniforms for my family members!My main team!
Ricardo, Carlota, Vivian.

Ricardo looks like cool! But i think Carlota looks like better without sunglasses!
Veronica & Carlota the twins!
Another School uniform team!

Relax... Violeta[F-musk] wear school uniform with Volume perm hair.
I got a hat for Vivian from Andre boxes.
and finally... my musk threesome..
Augustin [Middle] wearing Royal Coat..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Squad with Tillmeet! x3 and Spinelle Madness clan event!

After Vivian lvling up to Expert! I going to Frozen Field.
Im meeting with Tillmeet (clanmate & Vice of Explorers Elite)
We are in SQUAD!

Priceless (lol?)
After this SQUAD, Alcart (clanmate) have a GOOD idea, KILL THOUSANDS of Spinelles!
We going to Desolated Cliff and WingGundam summon a lot of Spinelles!! fUNny event X_X
Wing as the Summoner!

My First EXPERT character!! Finally....

Today i got my first Expert! My first Expert is Vivian (scout).

Today, at 15:25 Vivian reached 110 (Veteran lvl 100%)
I am so HAPPY! ^_^ after 1.5 year hard work, (3.5 weeks in AA) i am fianlly expert! Priceless!
After Viv' reached 100% i go to Auch Master Room, and voila!
CONGRATZ VIV! Next Expert: Ricardo, he is 93% ATM

Friday, July 10, 2009

Random Pictures from The Balbaseda family

I found a lot of pictures from my family, new and old too. I will show it! :)

My main team:
Carlota,Vivian,Ricardo :)

..:Sunset in Port of coimbra:..
they look at the sunset

Two ele before the palace

DO NOT PEEK!!! or die :D

after 2.9b "Musks in action"

Hi guys! After we got 2.9b ( YAY :D) Everybody started Claire's quest! This is a lot of easy quest, but the last quest it's so HARD! U need find 2 unknown ores (bla,blabla) We found a good place in Bonavista River.
After 1~2 hours, somebody summon a lot of Thoracotomy spinelles for us.... Yes, this is annoying (REALLY >:O )
But our squad killing all Thoracotomy,Golden Spider & other.... I did pictures from the action :D

...and yes.. no UNKNOWN STONES TODAY (T_T)

P.S: I know u said now: WTF? Only 2~3 Thoros.. The Pictures made after the action (almost) ^_^

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hello everybody!

Welcome to my new Sword of the new World blog! This blog is for my SOTNW week days!
I am Balbaseda from Bristia server, i started this game in 2008 January,
I hope so you will read my blog!

..:My actually family:..

Carlota Ricardo Costanza Vivian Soledad Veronica
[Ele] [Musk] [Wiz] [Scout] [Fig] [Ele]
Augustin Gema Paola Violeta Catalina Elena
[Musk] [Grace] [Caly] [Musk] [ETS] [Emilia]
Catherine Lupita Esmeralda
[Cath/INT] [Adelina]

My first, real post coming soon! :)